Pop Angel features

Pop angel is the next development direction of NFT technolog y. The only purpose of NFT is to sit on the blockchain and enjo y the collection. This was enough to trigger a storm of NFT ado ption from the beginning. But this is only the beginning. Pop ang el not only sits on the chain, but also creates its own uniquenes s in more fields. Let's look at the properties of pop angel.

Application features of pop angel

A. Scalability - NFT must be extensible, which means it must be able to connect to other NFTs or projects in a meaningful / help ful way. So,

• One NFT can be linked to another NFT and vice versa.

• NFT can "hold" alternative tokens.

• NFT can connect to any other dataset.

A.The number of ownership layers is unlimited, which means that the creator can create any number of nested layers as needed.

B. Upgradeability - this feature ensures that NFT can be modified in the future. The ability to change the metadata of works of a rt and other resources is very meaningful.

C. Dynamic - it enables NFT to do more than it does now. They can send commands according to the preferences of the creator or owner, equip other NFTs, modify their appearance, and so on. When you combine these three features, you'll create far more NFTs than you've ever seen.

Unique features developed by pop angel

Nested NFT

Due to their nesting function, NFTs can own or be owned by other NFTs. Although this concept looks simple on the surface, it will surprise you with the new choices it offers designers (in art and Technology). The ownership chain can continue indefinitely with the nesting of rmrk, so an NFT can own other NFTs, own other NFTs, own other NFTs, and so on until infinity. Games, art, metauniverse, exhibitions and so on can benefit from it.


NFT with multiple resources NFT can now convert between various resources. Images, videos, or other media that make up the NFT are a resource. Therefore, NFT can have two pictures instead of one, and the holder can choose which one to display. However, this is not the only use of this feature. A Book NFT can have three different types of resources: PDF, audiobook and JPEG cover. These resources can be configured to load only when the user interacts with NFT on the relevant platform. If you use a book reader, you will see PDF; If you use an audio player, you will hear it. Reactive or reactive NFT Conditional rendering makes reactive NFT feasible. This means that NFT adjusts its resource allocation according to the implementation of specific standards. For example, when it is night, NFT shows the form of night, and when it is day, it shows the change of day. To do this, NFT requires two resources (photos in this case) and prioritization criteria. Dao based on NFT 2.0 With this capability, the NFT can be decomposed into a Dao. Because some NFTs are too expensive for a single collector, the Dao feature allows multiple collectors to pool funds to buy NFTs. Once completed, NFT can connect tokens, which will be allocated to collectors according to their investment scale. When a choice is needed, collectors can use their tokens to vote on how to deal with NFT.

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